导读: 您有没有注意到,在购买机票时,转机往往比直飞便宜?因此,许多乘客会选择中转航班以节省费用。然而,近日,一名乘客因购买联程机票却放弃了第二航段,被汉莎航空告上法庭,要求赔偿 2112 欧元。为什么我要被指责用钱买机票

A Lufthansa Airbus A-380 rolls to its take-off position at the airport. After the airline Emirates cancelled a large part of its A-380 orders, Airbus announced the early end for the giant aircraft. [Photo/IC]
A method commonly used by airline passengers to get cheaper fares is at the center of a court row between a German airline and one of its customers.
Lufthansa has taken a passenger, who didn't show up for the last leg of his ticketed journey, to court in an apparent bid to clamp down on "hidden city" ticketing.
leg [leg]:n.航段
所谓“隐藏城市”购票("hidden city" ticketing)适用于这样的场景:从A到B的直飞航班票价高于从A经B中转到C的机票价格,因此,乘客选择购买从A经B中转到C的机票,然后在B中转时结束自己的旅程。
The practice involves passengers leaving their journey at a layover point, instead of making a final connection.
Anyone can do it, providing you travel only with carry-on luggage.
For instance, someone flying from New York to San Francisco could book a cheaper trip from New York to Lake Tahoe with a layover in San Francisco and get off there, without bothering to take the last leg of the flight.

Flight attendants of German airline Lufthansa stand outside an aircraft at Frankfurt International Airport in Frankfurt, June 12, 2018. [Photo/IC]
According to a court document, an unnamed male passenger booked a return flight from Oslo to Seattle, which had a layover in Frankfurt. But he did not catch the Frankfurt to Oslo return flight. He instead flew on a separate Lufthansa reservation from Frankfurt to Berlin.
Lufthansa saw this as a violation of their terms and conditions and is seeking €2,112 in compensation.
A Berlin district court dismissed the lawsuit in December, but Lufthansa's spokesperson confirmed to CNN that the company has "already filed the appeal against the decision."
Back in 2014, United Airlines and Orbitz filed a civil lawsuit against 22-year-old Aktarer Zaman, who founded the website Skiplagged.com, which helps travelers find cheaper flights by using the "hidden city" strategy.
Gaming the system within the US may cost airlines a few hundred dollars, based on the company’s ability to re-sell the seat that wasn’t used, but with international fares running into the thousands, the stakes for the airlines are significantly raised.
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